Healing Intergenerational Trauma through Collective Mourning in Jeju

Artist / Curator Talks

May 30, 2024 | 6:30 pm


Healing Intergenerational Trauma through Collective Mourning in Jeju

Thursday, May 30, 2024
801 S. Vermont Avenue. #210
Los Angeles, CA 90005
6:30 PM – 8:30 PM PST

Join us for an evening with psychotherapist and Somatic Experiencing Trauma Practitioner, Heesun Kim (PhD, LCSW, SEP), and filmmaker and writer, Grant Hyun, who are collaborating on a documentary feature film that traces the connections between practices of shamanism on Jeju Island and intergenerational trauma stemming from the Jeju 4.3 massacre.

They will share footage and speak about their process of filming on Jeju Island this Spring where they interviewed first and second generation survivors, journalists, scholars, and writers who helped uncover long-suppressed truths, and shamans who have been instrumental in processing the grief and trauma that continues to affect the island and its people to this day.

The Jeju Massacre, referred to in Korea as 사삼 (4.3), resulted in the killing of 30,000 civilians from April 3rd, 1948 until 1954. The massacre was followed by decades of government denial and severe repression of the victims and their families. Heesun and Grant will engage the audience in an interactive conversation about their experience of the Jeju shamanic culture, which provides a portal of community healing by unearthing long-suppressed grief and fostering spiritual connections with ancestors through collective mourning.

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